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The Porn Addict's Wife

Nov 27, 2023

Finding the right professional help is like finding a good stylist...and I have some bad hair day horror stories to prove it! Bottom line, if you have a result you are looking for, it's worth paying someone who can get you there. 

Nov 27, 2023

Have you heard that addicts need to hit rock bottom before they reach out for help? Well, turns out we are a lot more like them than we think! Today I am talking all about what rock bottom is, how we usually think about it, and how we have our own rock bottom to be aware of. Spoiler alert: Rock bottom isn't necessary...

Nov 20, 2023

Today I am going over HOW you actually process your emotions and WHY it's the most vital skill you could learn. I am outlining the 3 main ways we typically respond to emotion and why they aren't what is best for the life we want to create. This is the one skill that has enabled me to confidently face my future without...

Nov 13, 2023

It feels like you are fighting, barely treading water, and it's exhausting, right? Today I want to offer how you can take all that energy, all that fight inside of you and apply it in a different way to get far greater results. It's time to fight smarter, not harder. 


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Nov 6, 2023

We say we want certain things-to lose weight, change jobs, be more present with our kids, heal from our husband's pornography problems-but are we making the decision to create that result from our primitive brain or our pre-frontal cortex? And why is that so important to clarify? Today I am discussing all of that after...